What we do.
The Bentil Group’s mission is to increase our knowledge of traumatic brain injury (TBI) mechanisms due to both blast and blunt impact, for improved development of diagnostic tools and countermeasures.
The following highlight some of our research activities:
Characterize material properties

We perform quasistatic and dynamic experiments on soft biological materials and biomaterials to characterize the material properties. Image by Sarah A. Bentil.
Investigate injury mechanisms

We create and design experiments to investigate brain injury mechanisms due to both blast and blunt impact. Image by Max Andrews via Wikimedia Commons.
Develop diagnostic tools

We develop diagnostic tools and metrics that will aide in characterizing brain injuries by exploring the structural changes in the tissue and how it relates to the brain’s function. Image source.
Create effective countermeasures

We create and design effective countermeasures to prevent or mitigate brain injury. Image source.