Research in Implementing a Virtual Environment for Engineering Design

Judy M. Vance
Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Iowa Center for Emerging Manufacturing Technology
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011

The First Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments Proceedings, July 13-15, 1995, Iowa City, Iowa, pp.251-255.

The research that is currently underway is focused on developing the interaction strategies and algorithms to support virtual engineering design. With the increased development of virtual reality equipment and declining computer prices, the possibility for virtual reality to be a common design tool is approaching. Virtual reality (VR) can be used to enhance engineering design in the early stages of conceptual design, in the prototyping stage of design, and during design analysis evaluation. The challenge is to develop the interaction strategies that will allow users to natually interact with the virtual objects in the computer-generated environment. Preliminary result s are presented where virtual environments have been created to enhance conceptual design, prototype verification and analysis-based design.