A Virtual Environment for Engineering Design Optimization – 1997

Judy M. Vance
Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Iowa Center for Emerging Manufacturing Technology
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011

1997 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Seatle, Washington, Jan 7-10, 1997, pp. 23-24.

The most commonly proposed application area in engineering for virtual reality (VR) technology is the development of virtual simulations and prototypes. This work extends the use of VR technoloty beyond those application areas by demonstrating its use as an interactive analysis and design tool. This work combines analysis results with design geometry in a virtual environment and allows the designer to interactively investigate various design configurations and view the resultant changes on the alalysis results. In order to provide analysis results in a timely manner, sensitivity methods are used to approximate the changes in stresses, displacements, mode shapes, etc. Once a suitable design has been achieved based on the analysis approximations, an optimization is performed to verify the design.

An image showing the Real Eigenvalue. For a more information on this project, refer to the Research Project: Shape Design with Stress Constraint Considerations in a Virtual Environment.