South Ballroom, Memorial Union


Iowa State University

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(All day event)The protection of intellectual property through patents is one of the most important mechanisms for encouraging innovation. But with new scientific advances, especially in biotechnology, what is reasonable, useful, and ethical to patent? This symposium will present issues of intellectual property protection specific to the plant and life sciences.

Symposium participants include: David B. Resnik, author of Owning the Genome: A Moral Analysis of DNA Patenting and chair of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Institutional Review Board; Margo A. Bagley, a professor of patent law at the University of Virginia School of Law who previously worked in products research and development for Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble, where she was co-inventor on a U.S. patent for improved peanut butter; Edmund J. Sease, who argued the precedent-setting Pioneer/J.E.M. case before the Supreme Court, is a trial lawyer with experience litigating intellectual property cases and teaches at Drake University Law School; Shontavia Johnson, an assistant professor of law at Drake University Law School with expertise in intellectual property and human rights, with a B.S. in Biosystems Engineering emphasizing applied biotechnology.

Check here for a complete schedule of events!

Cosponsored By:

Bioethics Program
National Affairs
Committee on Lectures (funded by GSB)

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