Papers Accepted by RESS and SMS

The following papers have recently been accepted by Reliability Engineering and System Safety and Smart Materials and Structures. Congrats!
1. “Multivariate System Reliability Analysis Considering Highly Nonlinear and Dependent Safety Events” by RESS [DOI];
2. “Decision Making under Uncertainty for Design of Resilient Engineered Systems” by RESS [DOI]; 3. “Fusion of sensor geometry into additive strain fields measured with sensing skin” by SMS [DOI].

Paper Accepted by JMD

Journal paper (joint work with Cameron A. Mackenzie from Iowa State Univerisity, and Amin Toghi Eshghi and Soobum Lee from University of Maryland, Baltimore County) titled “A High-Dimensional Reliability Analysis Method for Simulation-Based Design Under Uncertainty” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Mechanical Design. Congrats!