New Funding for Real-Time Machine Learning Research

SRSL has received research funding from the National Science Foundation for a collaborative project with the University of South Carolina (UofSC). This project is titled “RTML: Small: Collaborative: A Programming Model and Platform Architecture for Real-time Machine Learning for Sub-second Systems.” This three-year project ($500K in total with $240k coming to ISU) will create and evaluate novel frameworks for achieving real-time machine learning in sub-second systems. It will be carried out through collaboration with Dr. Simon Laflamme (PI at ISU), Dr. Austin Downey (PI at UofSC), and Dr. Jason Bakos (Co-PI at UofSC).

New Funding for Design for Sustainability Research

SRSL has received research funding from the Reducing EMbodied-Energy And Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) Institute for the project titled “Data-Driven Design Decision Support for Re-X of High-Value Components in Industrial and Agricultural Equipment.” This one-year exploratory project ($100K) will create a data-driven design decision support tool to evaluate and recommend design for Re-X options for high-value components in industrial and agricultural equipment. It will be carried out through collaboration with Dr. Gül E. Kremer (IMSE at ISU) and John Deere.

New Funding for Machinery Prognostics Research

SRSL has received research funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project titled “PFI-TT: Physics-based Deep Transfer Learning for Predictive Maintenance of Industrial and Agricultural Machinery”. This two-year project ($240K in total) will create an industrial internet of things (IIoT) platform for practical and scalable predictive maintenance of rotating machinery. It will be carried out through collaboration with Dr. Simon Laflamme (CCEE at ISU), Dr. Matthiew Darr (ABE at ISU), Mr. Carey Novak (CIRAS at ISU), and Dr. Andy Zimmerman (Grace Engineered Products, Inc.).

CoE researchers to develop safer, more reliable machines with new grant